California Trip: Monterey Bay Aquarium (part 2)
ktuli — Sun, 09/09/2012 - 19:34
Sesquicentennial Post for a Blogiversary
ktuli — Mon, 01/17/2011 - 08:26
Alright - I know that post title is a bit much... First off, I'm not sure if sesquicentennial is the proper word since it seems to apply to anniversary which would imply years, but I think the definition of anniversary gets stretched to mean more than simply just years. And then there's blogiversary... I generally don't like to use the term blog, but I'm sure that's how many people would refer to what I have here.
Any way you want to look at it, this post marks both my 150th post to the site as well as one year since I started the site. I managed to run past my 100th post without any fanfare, so when I noticed that I was closing in on 150 for my one year anniversary since starting the site, I figured I might as well make the most of the convergence.
Technical Data:Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT, Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 II at 55mm, 1/50th sec at f/5.6. ISO 400. No post production. Georgia Aquarium, Atlanta, GA.
Why This Photo: I've always liked this photo. It was taken back in 2007 during our first trip to the Georgia Aquarium. This was right before we bought the pet store we owned for a couple years, and was well before I really started learning more about actual photography. So while this might not be the most technically correct photograph (heck - I was almost certainly in Auto or one of the program modes), I think it shows a bit of a creative sense to my photography.
I selected this photo as a nice simple photo to mark this occasion. I've long since thought about printing this photo as well as a mirror flipped version of it to use a set of photos on either side of a room feature - I think it would look very nice on either side of a nice wall mounted TV, or bordering a mirror. Perhaps someday I will finally decide I want to start selling prints, and I thought that would make a nice set.
What Works: I like the simplicity of this shot and the strong color with the silhouette. The delicate features of the jellyfish are maintained nicely in the silhouette. I like the fact that the jellyfish is intentionally split in half by the edge of the frame - I can't explain exactly, why... I just do.
What Doesn't Work: The photo doesn't necessarily have the best sense of balance, but possibly some cropping could solve that before printing? For some purposes, the photo might be considered flat, boring, and uninteresting (but I obviously disagree).
So what do you think? Drop me a comment and let me know. I'll also take pre-orders for the print set of this photo... ;)
I want to thank you for visiting today. So far, it has been a fun ride, and I feel I've learned a lot over the past year. Hopefully, I've passed along something new to you as well. I really appreciate having readers and commenters on the site - it really makes the whole project worth so much more to me.
Here's to another year and another 150 posts... (and many more after that!)
- Bill