Ok – sorry for the prolonged absence, and I can’t make any promises that I’ll be back to a regular posting schedule with this one, but hopefully it sparks a bit more motivation for me. Anyway, today I went for a dive and had we…

Ok – sorry for the prolonged absence, and I can’t make any promises that I’ll be back to a regular posting schedule with this one, but hopefully it sparks a bit more motivation for me. Anyway, today I went for a dive and had we…
Dusky Jawfish (Opistognathus whitehursti) are fairly regular fish at the Blue Heron Bridge. Like most (maybe all?) jawfish, they are mouth-brooders – meaning they hold their eggs and the babies for the first few days in their mouths to keep them safe. They tend to…
I decided to take a trip back to Wolf Rocks to see if I could find some more rattlesnakes and was not disappointed. I was surprised to realize it has been over 3 years since I first photographed the rattlesnakes there. This time I managed…
Another recommendation from my friend Dawn, I made a stop at Devil’s Tower National Monument.
One morning I joined a few of the new friends I made while in the Tetons to aim for a nice sunrise photo. The sunrise was pretty lackluster, but as we were standing there, this fox ran by on the other side of the creek.…
I think most people (myself included) typically associate pelicans with the ocean… but there is a thriving colony of American White Pelicans that live in Grand Tetons National Park. I was not aware of it before arriving at the park and when this huge white…
While we’re on the subject of eyes, let’s do another installment in the The Eyes Have It series. Enjoy.
Scallops have a lot of eyes. They’re basically just light sensing to help them detect if a predator is approaching so they can close their shell. But they are still kind of mesmerizing. Here is an assortment of scallops from both Florida and Washington.
Kingfishers are one of those birds that I have so rarely been able to get photo of, and even more rarely good photos. This female belted kingfisher (you can tell it is a female by the rusty band across her belly) was photographed at the…
Not too far from where we were photographing the ospreys hunting, I spotted a beaver swimming in a small pond. We took a few shots that day and then returned the following day to get some more…
Because, why not?
Ok – while we’re at it, here’s an assortment of underwater shots from Washington…
It has been quite hot and humid recently even though I’m not in Florida, but while I’m thinking about Florida, here is an assortment of bird photos I took in 2021 while I was there…