Not too far from where we were photographing the ospreys hunting, I spotted a beaver swimming in a small pond. We took a few shots that day and then returned the following day to get some more…

Not too far from where we were photographing the ospreys hunting, I spotted a beaver swimming in a small pond. We took a few shots that day and then returned the following day to get some more…
Bear Jams are both a blessing and a curse in multiple ways. On one hand, it makes it a bit easier to know that there is something worth stopping to photograph when there already are a bunch of other cars pulled off the side of…
Basically the last thing I did in Yellowstone NP was to go for a short hike with Aaron. We were both reluctant to solo hike anywhere in the park due to the bear activity (really – it would have been stupid and reckless to do…
My first full day in Grand Tetons NP, I got to see grizzly #610 and her triplets… Enjoy.
I’ll apologize now, but today’s photos and video are really just for the stories, but bear with me (pun 100% intended!). These are the first wild grizzly bears I ever got to see and photograph (though that’s kind of a technicality). This is one of…
Of course, the hovering ospreys were nice, but the real treat was seeing them dive for fish. I unfortunately never good a good shot of one diving – every time I either couldn’t keep it in the frame properly or my camera decided to change…
One of the days in Grand Tetons National Park, there were several ospreys hunting where the Snake River flows out of Jackson Lake (right at Jackson Lake Dam). They were completely unconcerned with the small crowd of photographers that had gathered at the walkway there.…
Technically this was not my first time seeing pronghorn – I saw a few last year when I visited Bryce Canyon National Park, but I was unable to get the camera out in time to get any photos before they ran away. Speaking of which,…
While in Yellowstone, I got lucky to see this coyote hunting along a river… It pounced on something in the snow a couple times, but it was also keeping an eye on those ducks to see if any came close enough for it to take…
It is early June and temperatures in Pittsburgh are already in the 90s… but just a few short weeks ago, I was in a still snowy Yellowstone…
Since I was visiting Yellowstone at the very front edge of spring, I thought maybe I’d get some photos of bison in the snow. I did get a couple shots, but nothing fantastic (and technically some of these are from outside the park, but close…
While in Montana and Wyoming, I saw multiple pairs of Common Mergansers. I’m honestly not sure why certain birds get that “common” label. Maybe they were much more numerous in years past because it definitely doesn’t apply to their coloration or patterns…