During my visit to the Grand Tetons back in 2023, I spotted a few different animals starting to grow their new antlers for the year.

During my visit to the Grand Tetons back in 2023, I spotted a few different animals starting to grow their new antlers for the year.
Baby bison are called Red Dogs
This pair of Barrow’s Goldeneyes was photographed back in the Grand Tetons National Park in 2023. I don’t know if this was a mating ritual or just some odd behavior I picked up in a couple of the photos.
A bit of an abstract one today… In some of the hot springs in Yellowstone, there are bacteria mats that can take a while to grow. I found them interesting to look at and tried to photograph them and capture some of the patterns in…
I’ve shared some other landscape photos from the Tetons, but these shots all waited for the wind to die down just enough to produce some glassy water for nice reflection shots. Apologies for the multiple angles, but sometimes just a slight change makes it worth…
One of the things I wanted to do while at Devil’s Tower National Monument was to take some astrophotography with timelapse and star trails.
During my visit to Yellowstone I got to see several coyotes. This one entertained a fairly large group of people for a while as it searched this field for anything to eat.
More grizzlies from the Tetons…
The Grizzlies usually take the majority of the attention while in the Grand Tetons, but Black Bears are just as nice to see.
I’ve seen a few Sandhill Cranes around recently and it reminded me I should share some of the older photos I have of them. These photos are a mix from Hebgen Lake in Montana, and both Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks in Wyoming. And…
One of the geothermal features in Yellowstone (yes, I know I still have yet to share any geyser images), the Mammoth Hot Springs and Terraces area is certainly like being in another world. It is difficult to capture any photos that really encompass the feeling…
Sorry – I am being extremely lazy about processing new photos, so you’ll have to make do with some more from the archives. Today we’ll look at some shots of some Yellow-bellied Marmots (Marmota flaviventris) taken on a hike at Jenny Lake in Grand Teton…
Another recommendation from my friend Dawn, I made a stop at Devil’s Tower National Monument.
One morning I joined a few of the new friends I made while in the Tetons to aim for a nice sunrise photo. The sunrise was pretty lackluster, but as we were standing there, this fox ran by on the other side of the creek.…
I think most people (myself included) typically associate pelicans with the ocean… but there is a thriving colony of American White Pelicans that live in Grand Tetons National Park. I was not aware of it before arriving at the park and when this huge white…