Not sure on identification for these, or even if they are two different species… but here are a couple ribbon worms from various dives in the Puget Sound…

Not sure on identification for these, or even if they are two different species… but here are a couple ribbon worms from various dives in the Puget Sound…
A few more from back in 2021…
White-lined Dirona (Dirona albolineata) are among my favorite PNW nudis…
A variety of crustaceans from the Pacific Northwest waters…
It has been a while since I’ve done a “Nudibranch Week” and while this won’t be a set of daily posts, I’ll still give it that title. This will be part 1 of 4 and today we will look at some Pacific Northwest nudibranch photos…
On my last visit to Mount Rainier NP, I hiked back up to Reflection Lake which was still frozen pretty solid despite the lower elevations being clear of snow by this point in the season. However, it has been rather hot here recently, so the…
I recently got word that my friend Katherine completed her scuba instructor certification and I also got word that my friend Eric successfully underwent a surgery, which made me think about PNW diving… so here are the rest of the Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker photos from…
I still need to get some better photos of Surf Scoters. They’re weird looking birds with those oversized bills, but I still find them cool. They tend to stay pretty far out in the water, so I’ve found it tough to get any good close…
Bouncing back to the chilly PNW waters to check out a Marbled Snailfish (Leparis dennyi) from one of my last dives there this season….
The sunset today was pretty epic… Purple Cascades, orange Rainier, and tons of color over the Olympics… Cell phone camera doesn’t do it justice, but here they are just the same…
I’m in an assortment kind of mood (ok, really I’m in a lazy mood and just tossing quick posts together with random assortments, but that’s not terrible is it?). These are all critters found while diving in the Pacific Northwest.
Recently I went for some hiking in Mount Rainier National Park (and if you’re wondering about the “part ?” thing – I have posted stuff from Rainier before, but I didn’t label them the same way I usually do for NP visits, so I think…
Just a minute of drifting along watching the sunrays filter down through the water while a large school of tube-snouts swim above the eel grass. Enjoy.
Well, in another case of the difficulty in IDing nudibranchs, I’m not sure if this is a particularly bright white Shaggy Mouse Nudibranch (Aeolidia loui) or if this is a Pearly Aeolid (Ziminella japonica) as Ashley suggested it might be. The one thing that is…