Well, it was about a month ago that the big annular eclipse happened, and I was near Salt Lake City and figured I would try and get some photos. Where I was in Utah was in the path to get about 87% coverage of the…

Well, it was about a month ago that the big annular eclipse happened, and I was near Salt Lake City and figured I would try and get some photos. Where I was in Utah was in the path to get about 87% coverage of the…
Because, why not?
Another dip into the archives… this time for an assortment from Bryce Canyon… I’ll be heading out on the road again here in a few more weeks, so you’ll likely be getting some more landscape stuff again soon… though, I haven’t heard anyone complaining about…
Just a couple long exposures with some star trails taken in Bryce Canyon NP…
Well, I’m getting this video finished up just in time to keep the schedule of sharing a video the first Sunday of each month… this round is another set of timelapse highlights from travels in Washington, California, and Utah. If you’re interested, check out some…
I doubt anyone will complain about some more shots from Arches NP… Including an ultra-rare sort-of-a-selfie (see if you can find it).
On another recommendation from my friend Dawn (the same Dawn that suggested the Rattlesnake Canyon), I made a stop in Black Dragon Canyon to camp outside of Moab, UT for a night and to find the pictographs and petroglyphs there. Pictographs are paintings on stone…
Zion National Park is most famous for its canyon that has been carved by the Virgin River, so without any further ado…
When I went to share this post, I tried to look up the name of this arch… and from what I can tell, its name is “Natural Bridge”. The reason I say that is I can’t find any other name for it, but I did…
There’s just something about these couple fleeting shots I managed of this White-crowned Sparrow in the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area outside of St. George, UT…
An unexpected feature of Bryce Canyon National Park when I visited was the boldness of the crows. I know crows are a somewhat common bird, so it would seem photographing them wouldn’t be a challenge, but my encounters with them tended to be with ones…
Hoodoos are pillars of rock formed by erosion – basically a harder type of rock is at the top and keeps the softer rock from underneath from eroding at the same rate as the surrounding rock. In the case of Bryce Canyon National Park, there…
These little Side-blotched Lizards (Uta stansburiana) get their name from the dark patch behind their front legs, but the orange around their mouths and the blue speckles are quite nice.
Some still photographs of the Moab sky from 2021… these are all single exposures, including the ones with the star trails.