Spotted (pun intended) these guys while out hiking on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail… though with that bright orange color, they certainly stand out. Red-spotted Newts (Notophthalmus v. viridescens).

Spotted (pun intended) these guys while out hiking on the Laurel Highlands Hiking Trail… though with that bright orange color, they certainly stand out. Red-spotted Newts (Notophthalmus v. viridescens).
I spotted this while out on a recent hike and instantly knew I should take some photos… And I also took a quick shot from a distance to show what I was actually photographing…
As you may remember, I like taking photos of hiking trails and when I was out on a hike the other day, I came across this section of rocks and moss that was absolutely perfect. I really like moss in the first place, but the…
Back in western Pennsylvania and went for a hike in the snow the other day…
Well, now that I’m on the other side of the planet (ok technically, the other side of the planet from where I am right now is somewhere in Venezuela, but the other side of the planet from Pittsburgh is somewhere in the Indian Ocean, so…)…
I always seem to like photographing interesting bends in trails while I’m out. Usually they only end up as wallpapers on my phone, but I’ll share a couple… The one above and the next one are both from a short trail I hiked while I…
Another big post of waterfalls, so let’s get right to it… Wyandot – 15′ To be entirely honest, at this point the park was getting more crowded, it was starting to rain, and I was starting to get hungry… so my compositions aren’t always the…
There are only three waterfalls on the southern leg of the Falls Trail System and I wonder how many folks do themselves a disservice and skip this section. These are three very nice falls. Murray Reynolds – 36′ Sheldon Reynolds – 36′ Huh – I…
Ok – no waterfall today… About midway through my hike, there was a nice downed tree that was laying across Kitchen Creek and offered a perfect opportunity to stop and relax on a limb of the tree that made a reclined seat. I sat and…
Ricketts Glen State Park in Pennsylvania is known for having 22 named waterfalls within a very short distance (the park brochure says both 7.2 miles and 3.2 miles, but I’m having a hard time telling which number is correct – if either). Also, the main…
Fortuitous trees on either bank just downstream from a nice waterfall…
Test from cell phone Some more text after photo William
Here is some text for this post… And a little more text.