Recently I went for some hiking in Mount Rainier National Park (and if you’re wondering about the “part ?” thing – I have posted stuff from Rainier before, but I didn’t label them the same way I usually do for NP visits, so I think…
Category: USA
Just a minute of drifting along watching the sunrays filter down through the water while a large school of tube-snouts swim above the eel grass. Enjoy.
Well, in another case of the difficulty in IDing nudibranchs, I’m not sure if this is a particularly bright white Shaggy Mouse Nudibranch (Aeolidia loui) or if this is a Pearly Aeolid (Ziminella japonica) as Ashley suggested it might be. The one thing that is…
Been seeing a bunch of these this year, which is nice because I consider them the 3rd prettiest ducks. I’ll have to keep trying for closer and better photos in better lighting to really show off their colors. This group started pretty far away, but…
I have no idea if “anti-sunset” is even a term… I am not sure what caused this, but recent when I was out for an evening walk, the sky to the east turned this beautiful lilac color while the sun was setting to the west.…
Pacific Spiny Lumpsuckers are back!
A few shots of some of the birds I’ve seen recently… including some Common Loons and Horned Grebes in their winter colors (I managed to photograph both in their summer breeding colors in Glacier National Park earlier this year).
On my drive from Utah back to Washington, I made another stop at Craters of the Moon National Monument. The weather was much nicer this time but I only stopped for a few hours – I wish I had planned things better and camped for…
When the Pacific Northwest is rainier than it has been, you don’t get this much Rainier. (I don’t know if that is technically a pun or just a bad joke, but it is definitely intended.) Also, these views are just so nice… especially that one…
Well, it was about a month ago that the big annular eclipse happened, and I was near Salt Lake City and figured I would try and get some photos. Where I was in Utah was in the path to get about 87% coverage of the…
Some of these are from a day out playing disc golf in PA while others are from a hike in WA.
Ok – sorry for the prolonged absence, and I can’t make any promises that I’ll be back to a regular posting schedule with this one, but hopefully it sparks a bit more motivation for me. Anyway, today I went for a dive and had we…
Dusky Jawfish (Opistognathus whitehursti) are fairly regular fish at the Blue Heron Bridge. Like most (maybe all?) jawfish, they are mouth-brooders – meaning they hold their eggs and the babies for the first few days in their mouths to keep them safe. They tend to…
I decided to take a trip back to Wolf Rocks to see if I could find some more rattlesnakes and was not disappointed. I was surprised to realize it has been over 3 years since I first photographed the rattlesnakes there. This time I managed…