I’ve seen a few Sandhill Cranes around recently and it reminded me I should share some of the older photos I have of them. These photos are a mix from Hebgen Lake in Montana, and both Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks in Wyoming. And…

I’ve seen a few Sandhill Cranes around recently and it reminded me I should share some of the older photos I have of them. These photos are a mix from Hebgen Lake in Montana, and both Yellowstone and Grand Tetons National Parks in Wyoming. And…
On my way to Yellowstone NP, I stopped in a small area north of Hebgen Lake – my car’s GPS really wanted me to take a different route, but I decided that this road looked more promising and I was not disappointed. I actually returned…
Dipping into the archives for some posts and realized I have been remiss in sharing more of these star trail images I made. Enjoy…
A couple of my exposures during some time lapses run into sunrise… and while they don’t work so well for the time lapses, they ended up with an interesting abstract effect that I like for some reason that I can’t quite identify…
While hiking in Montana (technically outside of Glacier NP), I managed to get a handful of really nice shots of this squirrel. I think what makes it work the best is the backlighting…
I know a loon is already black and white, but I feel this processing just draws it out so much nicer… You may recognize these photos from the other loon post…
When I first arrived in Montana, the Flathead River – specifically the Middle Fork of the Flathead River was running a beautiful green color and looked pretty clear and not too high. By the time I left, it was running very muddy, high, and fast…
One of the days in Glacier NP, while I was hoping to photograph some loons, I had this Horned Grebe grace me with quite a while of getting to watch it hunt. It usually stayed just out of the good range for my lens, but…
Since I was visiting Yellowstone at the very front edge of spring, I thought maybe I’d get some photos of bison in the snow. I did get a couple shots, but nothing fantastic (and technically some of these are from outside the park, but close…
Ok – not technically a duck… and again with the “common” argument… but Loons are one of those birds that I’ve always wanted to see, and they did not disappoint. Such a beautiful bird. And to hear that haunting calls they make – just unforgettable.…
I guess we’re going to do a “Duck Week” here… Today we’ll look at some Cinnamon Teals. I first saw some at the Arcata Marshes in California, and then some more in that same spot where I saw the Ring-necked Ducks I shared the other…
While in Montana and Wyoming, I saw multiple pairs of Common Mergansers. I’m honestly not sure why certain birds get that “common” label. Maybe they were much more numerous in years past because it definitely doesn’t apply to their coloration or patterns…
I first stopped by this little pond where I found these Ring-necked Ducks on my initial drive to Yellowstone from Glacier. I pretty much got lucky again here as I actually spotted some Sandhill Cranes (more on them later) on the right side of the…
I’m hoping by the time this post goes live, I have a bunch more (and maybe better) bear photos from Yellowstone and Grand Teton NPs, but I figured I’d share this set now. I got a bit lucky with this one – I had done…