A few more night skies from Death Valley NP.

A few more night skies from Death Valley NP.
Some Harbor Seals basking in the Californian sun.
I managed to find several spiders while in Death Valley National Park…. The first two were pretty well hidden, but just catching a glint of light off of their webs and a little patience looking for them worked well. I would have loved to have…
Some shots from around Skull Rock in Joshua Tree NP. Another one that was hard to get a good angle that was not swarming with people…
Digging through my archives and found a handful of duck photos from my time in Arcata and near San Francisco. I may have shared other photos of some of these and identified them at the time, but for today we’re just going to share an…
I’ve shared some other Black Oyster Catcher photos before, and they’ve all been from Monterey, and these are no different. But I did manage to get a little closer this time. Those yellow eyes surrounded by red stand out so strikingly against those black feathers.
I don’t know specific cactus species, but when I am near them I feel compelled to take close-up photos of the spines. These are assorted photos from Colorado, California, South Dakota, and Arizona.
These first couple are from Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes – and I have to admit that this is what I was expecting to see more of when I first though of visiting deserts, but this is the first set of “proper” sand dunes I’ve encountered.…
I am not sure why these photos have such a dreamlike feel to them. I don’t know if it is because of where they were taken – in the middle of Death Valley NP at Badwater Basin. Or if it is just the soft pinks…
Ok – I don’t know how quickly I will get more Death Valley photos posted, but I figured I’d put out a teaser for now. I literally have thousands of photos to process because I’ve been doing a lot of time lapse photography, and I…
It isn’t often that birds swim *towards* you, but this Common Murre decided to swim over and take a closer look at my GoPro…
Kingfishers are one of those birds that I have so rarely been able to get photo of, and even more rarely good photos. This female belted kingfisher (you can tell it is a female by the rusty band across her belly) was photographed at the…
I guess we’re going to do a “Duck Week” here… Today we’ll look at some Cinnamon Teals. I first saw some at the Arcata Marshes in California, and then some more in that same spot where I saw the Ring-necked Ducks I shared the other…
Like all the other posts recently, this one was pre-scheduled… and since it is looking like my time in Yellowstone and Grand Teton will be spent in some rather cold camping conditions, I figure I might be dreaming that I was back in the desert…