From the archives, these are from my trip to Timor Leste in 2019… Dwarf Spinner Dolphins, Shortfin Pilot Whales, and Pygmy Blue Whales.

From the archives, these are from my trip to Timor Leste in 2019… Dwarf Spinner Dolphins, Shortfin Pilot Whales, and Pygmy Blue Whales.
In my continued effort to get through my archives of material I have yet to share, I finally put together a video of some of the dives in the sea grass which I dubbed “Barry’s Meadow” after the name of the eco-resort we were staying…
On one of our last dives in Timor Leste, we went through an area where there were dozens of these tiny little anemones. I am not sure if they are just a very small species or if they were indeed babies/juveniles. I lean towards the…
These octos get their name from being active during the day and indeed we spotted this one either hunting or hiding among the reef in Timor Leste. That distinct brown/white coloration is typical of a Day Octopus (Octopus cyanea), but they can also show a…
I only took one photo of these tiny little Sponge Isopods (Santia sp.) when I was in Timor Leste, and I kind of wish I had gotten some closer shots (though I also am not sure how close this one is). I am not sure…
Yes, you read that title correctly… this is a very deadly snail in the cone snail family. While I was on my Timor Leste expedition with Blue Ventures, our hazardous marine creatures lecture included a section about cone snails… of course most people scoff at…
Well, at least I think it is a Signalfin Goby (Coryphopterus signipinnis) – it is hard to tell with such a tiny and cryptic fish. They only get to about 1.25 inches long, but what is funny is I distinctly remember taking this photo and…
This small butterfly fish was one of my favorites while in Timor Leste. I am pretty sure it is a Spot Banded Butterfly Fish (Chaetodon punctatofasciatus), but there is a possibility it is another species or even a hybrid. The research I’ve done said these…
I’ve looked at this photo many times debating when I should share it. There is something about how perfectly clear the water was for this particular photo and the way the Yellow-tipped Phyllodesmium (Phyllodesmium briareum) has an almost plastic appearance that almost makes this photo…
I have shared other photos of other boxfish previously including one I think I mis-identified, but I am almost certain that this is a female Solor Boxfish (Ostracion solorensis) also known as the Reticulate Boxfish. I did some quick searching and can’t figure out why…
A beautifully patterned flatworm spotted by one of the volunteers in Timor Leste, this Persian Carpet Flatworm (Pseudobiceros bedfordi) actually looked a bit more metallic in the water, but the photos didn’t pick it up completely.
I can’t say I remember seeing any of these of the reef, but I spotted these two little juvenile bicolor goatfish (Parupeneus barberinoides) (they are the half yellow/half black striped fish with the little whiskers) while on a dive in the seagrass outside the place…
I can’t decide if this is a good photo or not, but there is something about it that I like. Perhaps a different processing might change it up to make it better, but I’ll share this version for now and maybe revisit it sometime in…
Ok – I haven’t been sharing much land-based photography recently (mainly because I just haven’t been taking any for a while), but here is a quick series of photos I shot while in Timor Leste of a parasitic wasp of some sort that we found…
Anthias are among my favorite fish on the reefs. I wish they were easier to photograph (or that I would have taken more opportunities to try), but here are a couple I managed to photograph. The one is almost definitely the Squarespot Anthias, but the…