Ok – this officially wraps up the last of my Madagascar photos… (unless I manage to go back)

Ok – this officially wraps up the last of my Madagascar photos… (unless I manage to go back)
Dipping into the archives a bit to share some remaining photos from my Madagascar collection. I wouldn’t mind visiting there again some day, such a unique place.
From back in 2019 during my visit to Madagascar…
Just a few landscape shots while I reminisce about traveling through Madagascar…
I’m surprised I haven’t shared any photos of these lizards before. I am pretty sure they are Madagascar Three-Eyed Lizard (Chalarodon madagascariensis) and obviously get their name from that black spot on the back of their heads that look like a third eye. I remember…
Unlike the previous photo I shared of one of these Merrem’s Madagascar Swifts, this little guy was hiding in a crack in the wood, but still allowed for a nice photo…
Well, it looks like a nice benefit of my new method for selecting photos to share means that I will likely dig into the archives a bit more frequently… which means I get to correct the issue of having only shared one photo of this…
Taken exactly a year ago… I wish I could be there now and not sitting here amid all this covid19 insanity.
Since I’ve shared plenty of nudibranch photos, I thought maybe I should share some of their eggs… Most nudis lay their eggs in a spiral pattern that often looks like a rose.