Not the greatest photo showing off this spider’s colors, but I like the long shadow in this shot.

Not the greatest photo showing off this spider’s colors, but I like the long shadow in this shot.
So the title kind of gives it away, but I found these things on one of the coconut trees here. I was out for a nocturnal wander through the gardens and I thought I caught some movement on the one coconut tree. When I looked…
So in case you were wondering what it looks like where I’ve been staying for the past couple months… In a few days, I’ll be leaving Jiwa Damai and moved onto Timor Leste. I’m not sure how much internet access I will have there, but…
I took these two photos as we were just about the exit the water at the end of the dive. I literally was about to surface and stand up when I saw these two white-spotted boxfish doing some sort of courtship dance or territorial display…
Another thing I’ve always wanted to see while diving… a nudibranch laying eggs. In truth, I didn’t even notice this until I was processing the photos as I didn’t see the classic nudibranch rose spiral while in the water. And there is always the chance…
I guess I’m in a bit of a video mood recently, so here’s another post getting bumped to the front of the queue… As I mentioned when I posted the Weaver Ants post, I have been on the look out for them actually making a…
When I saw the reflections in these water droplets after a nice morning rain, I figured I should take advantage of the situation and get the camera out.
These guys are cool. A little skittish, but once you get one comfortable with being close to them, they love to pose. Oh, and it is entirely accurate to call these “guys” as they are all adult males. Ribbon eels change color and sex as…
I’m not as spoiled with such easy access to beautiful sunsets as I was in Andava, but with a little effort, I’ve managed to get a couple. These first two are from the rice fields just north of where I’ve been staying in Jiwa Damai.…
Well, normally I would hold onto something like this and post it special, but since I’ve got quite a number of posts already scheduled, I’m just going to give you all a treat of both of the diving highlight videos I put together today at…
So feather stars are one of those things that are easy to overlook on a dive. But I’ve always wanted to see one swimming… and when I was in Amed, I got to see not one, but two separate feather stars swimming… and managed to…
To compete with that jumping spider, here is a nudibranch that is absolutely beautiful. I wish I had my ID books with me, but for now just enjoy the photos (sorry they are a little over-exposed).
I have absolutely no clue if that is what this jumping spider is called… or even if it has a name – common or scientific – but I think after seeing it, you’ll agree that it is a fitting name. Those iridescent metallic green patches…
Just like in Madagascar, there are scorpions here too. I was honestly a little surprised by that… maybe because I tend to associate them more with desert climates, but there are a lot here.
When it rains, the snails come out…