Category: Underwater
I spotted this Newman’s Flatworm (Maritigrella newmanae) on a dive at the Blue Heron Bridge in Florida. I was just slowly swimming along and swam right over it and had to hit the brakes to stop and get some photos and video. We found a…
Friday Fotos will not be shown this week. Instead, we interrupt your normally scheduled programming to bring you the final installment in Video Week. Today’s video is the last of my videos from diving at the Blue Heron Bridge last year and to be honest,…
Alright – so I have to admit, today’s video might not be interesting to most people, but I find it pretty fascinating… so bear with me. On one of the dives, my friend Laura pointed out a long white worm with dark bands around it.…
Another video from the Blue Heron Bridge diving last year…
I intended to do a black water dive last year when I was in Florida and it just never happened. Luckily this time around I managed to get out for one. If you’re unfamiliar, black water diving is when you head out to deep water…
One of the unique species of nudibranchs I wanted to see while in the Pacific Northwest, I was happy to find Hooded Nudibranchs (Melibe leonina). They are special in that while most nudibranchs feed on stationary prey like sponges, hydroids, and corals, the Hooded Nudi…
Finally working on getting the 2021 videos pulled together (while I’m working on collecting a whole new set of stuff). Enjoy.