Snailfish are a family of fish that are mostly cold-water species. They kind of resemble a kind of tadpole and tend to rely on curling their tail up and staying motionless as a form of camouflage… when they do that, they almost look like just…

While we’re on the subject of species similar to stuff I’ve seen in Florida… I previously posted photos some Flapping Dingbats (Gastropteron chacmolis) from Florida, but up here in Washington, they get Winged Sea Slugs (Gastropteron pacificum). Though I’ve never seen the Flapping Dingbats swimming…

Some more Stubby Squid (Rossia pacifica) shots showing off the color range of these little bobtail squids… They tend to be the reddish color most of the time but will show that white color when scared – the iridescence when they show the lighter color…