While in Playa we went on a dive to see Bull Sharks, which was another new-to-me species to see.

While in Playa we went on a dive to see Bull Sharks, which was another new-to-me species to see.
Just a few from the ocean dives while I was in Playa del Carmen
The first cenote we dived was called Angelita (Little Angel), and I’m sure it gets its name from the way you might feel like you’re an angel flying above the clouds. Honestly, it also felt like diving through a spooky cemetery in a dream. At…
I’m in an assortment kind of mood (ok, really I’m in a lazy mood and just tossing quick posts together with random assortments, but that’s not terrible is it?). These are all critters found while diving in the Pacific Northwest.
Just a minute of drifting along watching the sunrays filter down through the water while a large school of tube-snouts swim above the eel grass. Enjoy.
Well, in another case of the difficulty in IDing nudibranchs, I’m not sure if this is a particularly bright white Shaggy Mouse Nudibranch (Aeolidia loui) or if this is a Pearly Aeolid (Ziminella japonica) as Ashley suggested it might be. The one thing that is…
Pacific Spiny Lumpsuckers are back!
Ok – sorry for the prolonged absence, and I can’t make any promises that I’ll be back to a regular posting schedule with this one, but hopefully it sparks a bit more motivation for me. Anyway, today I went for a dive and had we…
Dusky Jawfish (Opistognathus whitehursti) are fairly regular fish at the Blue Heron Bridge. Like most (maybe all?) jawfish, they are mouth-brooders – meaning they hold their eggs and the babies for the first few days in their mouths to keep them safe. They tend to…
While we’re on the subject of eyes, let’s do another installment in the The Eyes Have It series. Enjoy.
Scallops have a lot of eyes. They’re basically just light sensing to help them detect if a predator is approaching so they can close their shell. But they are still kind of mesmerizing. Here is an assortment of scallops from both Florida and Washington.
Ok – while we’re at it, here’s an assortment of underwater shots from Washington…
One of a couple new-to-me species of nudibranchs I got to see and photograph during my last visit to the Pacific Northwest, these Moss Landing Aeolids (Cerberilla mosslandica) are pretty little nudis.
Some Lemon Shark photos from the archives…
Ok – I know you all might be wanting more mountains and national parks, but honestly, I need to write some posts to fill time so I have stuff scheduled while I’m out camping and have no internet access, so I’m going to mix in…