A few more shots from the cenotes during my trip to Mexico last December… This time with my dive buddies…

A few more shots from the cenotes during my trip to Mexico last December… This time with my dive buddies…
I recently got word that my friend Katherine completed her scuba instructor certification and I also got word that my friend Eric successfully underwent a surgery, which made me think about PNW diving… so here are the rest of the Pacific Spiny Lumpsucker photos from…
Finishing up the last of my fish photos from when I was last in Bali. I really do need to get back there soon!
This colorful Fringeback Dondice (Dondice occidentalis) was found during one of the dives on my most recently Florida visit.
Much rarer than the Striped Bumblebee Shrimp (which I can usually find on almost every dive at the Blue Heron Bridge), this was the first and only time I have ever found a Spotted Bumblebee Shrimp (Gnathophyllum modestum) so far.
Apologies for the month long hiatus… I will try to get back into a routine, but as usual when these hiatuses happen – no promises. When I was in Florida recently, one of the critters getting a lot of attention at the Blue Heron Bridge…
I’ve seen Red-orange Ghost Shrimp (Corallianassa longiventris) several times, and I’ve learned that the only way to see anything more than the tips of their claws and their face is you have to tempt them out with something to eat. I managed the first shot…
On a recent dive, my buddy Laura spotted one of these Yellow-ringed Janolus (Janolus flavoanulatus) nudibranchs, and that seemed to open the flood gates and we started seeing a bunch of them. At one point I found a small area that had four of them…
Found this cool Seahare on a recent dive at the Blue Heron Bridge. I believe it is an Atlantic Black Seahare (Aplysia morio).
And while we’re bouncing back in time, let’s just bounce all the way back to 2020 and share the last few nudibranch photos from my time in Bali. I really need to plan a time to get back there, but with work denying working from…
Bouncing back to the chilly PNW waters to check out a Marbled Snailfish (Leparis dennyi) from one of my last dives there this season….
One of the things I tried to capture while diving in the Mexican cenotes was the silhouettes against the blue waters of the openings…
This wasn’t the first time I had seen Spinner Dolphins (I saw them while in Timor Leste), but this was my first time seeing dolphins in the water while on a dive. We had seen the dolphins swimming around the bay when we first arrived…