If you remember way back when, I told a story about finding a frogfish on a dive, and I mentioned that just prior to spotting the frogfish, we were paying attention to a lionfish… that is that lionfish. It is a Gurnard Lionfish (Parapterois hetururus)…

Though this may really look like a nudibranch (and in particular one I’ve shared before), this is actually a juvenile sea cucumber – probably a Black Spotted Sea Cucumber (Bohadschia graeffei). One particular point you can use to spot the difference is the tube feet…

Yes, you read that title correctly… this is a very deadly snail in the cone snail family. While I was on my Timor Leste expedition with Blue Ventures, our hazardous marine creatures lecture included a section about cone snails… of course most people scoff at…

These photos are of two different individuals, but they are among the coolest eels I’ve seen during diving. The Napoleon Snake Eel (Ophichthus bonaparti) gets to about two and a half feet long and lives in sandy burrows (as you can see from mostly just…

This nudibranch actually mimics a flatworm – particularly with the way it ruffles up the edges of its mantle as it moves…. but unlike a flatworm, you can clearly see the rhinophores and gills that flatworms lack. Discodoris boholiensis.