At one dive side called Three Tree Point near where I was staying in Burien, Washington, there is an artificial “reef” structure that is a pyramid of bowling balls (seriously!) and apparently it makes for some perfect habitat for these Saddleback Gunnels (Pholis ornata). I’ve…
Category: Underwater
A small green sea hare spotted in the eel grass on a dive in Alki near Seattle, these little guys were fun to find, but hard to photography because everything was moving so much! I am pretty sure it is a Taylor’s Sea Hare (Phyllaplysia…
White-lined Dironas or Alabaster Nudibranchs (Dirona albolineata) seem to be one of the more common nudibranchs in Puget Sound, but that doesn’t make them any less beautiful or fun to find on dives… I’m sure this won’t be the last time I post photos of…
Just a couple quick clips showing some of the views I have been treated to before various dives around the Pacific Northwest… including my first dive in the snow…
A couple close-up shots showing the details in some feathers…. both the avian kind and from a featherduster worm underwater…
It is tough when the fish have a more stylish haircut than I do! This Mosshead Warbonnet was photographed at Keystone Jetty on Whidbey Island, Washington.
Not always the most popular of subjects on a dive, but I find some of the various worms that live in tubes and only extend their feeding tentacles or radioles to be somewhat beautiful and well worth snapping some photos – if you can do…
Ok – I did have another post scheduled for today, but it got bumped to tomorrow because this is just too cool to let sit. During tonight’s dive, as we were gearing up, some other divers came out of the water and reported that there…
A very colorful Lantern Bass (Serranus baldwini) that let me get rather close for a very nice headshot…
For two of the shark dives with Salty Divers, we used a wreck as a landing spot to be able to more safely observe the sharks. As we approached, I snapped this quick shot of two other divers and the wreck.
The Blue Heron Bridge is a great spot for finding juvenile fish…. here are a few… Possible a juvenile Barred Hamlet (Hypoplectrus puella) but it is hard to be certain as they apparently get their coloration as they grow, but this one is definitely starting…
As my days in Florida were dwindling down, I read that Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge was a good place to see Roseate Spoonbills (the large pink birds that kind of look like flamingos but have a spoon shaped bill). I got up well before…
I’ve seen Yellowhead Jawfish (Opistognathus aurifrons) many times before, but I think these are definitely among my best photos of them… even if they aren’t the classic photo of them holding a mouthful of eggs…
Well… after being excited by having found that previous Sea Spider, and thinking it was just a lucky find, I managed to not only repeat the achievement, but to do so in rather dramatic fashion. I found two different species of sea spiders on the…
These little Tiger Gobies (Tigrigobius macrodon) are cool tiny fish, even if they are tough to photograph because of their somewhat transparent bodies and their tendency to be very skittish and dart away quickly.