Alright – it might have been a bit remiss of me to not share photos of Joshua Trees earlier in my posts from Joshua Tree National Park… but better late than never, eh?

Alright – it might have been a bit remiss of me to not share photos of Joshua Trees earlier in my posts from Joshua Tree National Park… but better late than never, eh?
I shared some other photos from Kubota Gardens in Seattle, WA already… but I figured I’d share the rest of the set. Enjoy.
I figured I might as well finish out this week’s set of posts with another unexpected critter from Joshua Tree, and in keeping with the previous posts, this one is a hummingbird moth – a White-lined Sphinx Moth to be precise.
When I headed to Joshua Tree National Park, I tried to time it to be there during a time when the various desert flowers would be in bloom. I am still not sure if I timed it right – some things were in bloom, some…
It is not easy to photograph really tall trees… I decided to try some vertical panoramic shots to see if that would work…
I have always felt a draw to dead trees for some explainable reason and when I was in Colorado, there were plenty of really photogenic ones to choose from…
Craters of the Moon National Monument is a smallish spot in Idaho (and not really all that close to anything) that is a “vast ocean of lava flows, islands of cinder cones, and sagebrush” – and when I was there, biting cold winds and snow!…