I shared some other photos from Kubota Gardens in Seattle, WA already… but I figured I’d share the rest of the set. Enjoy.
Category: General Wildlife
These little Side-blotched Lizards (Uta stansburiana) get their name from the dark patch behind their front legs, but the orange around their mouths and the blue speckles are quite nice.
Ok – as today’s post title indicates, I’m going to make this “Video Week” and get some of the videos I’ve been working on (or rather not working on for a long time) finished and shared. I might even sneak in an extra post or…
Well, if you thought the Northern Shoveler from the other day had an impressive bill, then today’s post should be pretty outstanding. When I was in Florida, I made multiple visits to Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge as it was advertised as a location where…
One of many “new-to-me” bird species I managed to photograph when I visited Arcata Marshes during my stay in Arcata. I originally went to the area to visit Redwood National Park, but the marshes were a nice bonus. There will be plenty more posts of…
While in California I had a couple opportunities to photograph sea otters. They’re just so fun to watch…
I found a couple of these Western Zebra-Tailed Lizards (Callisaurus draconoides rhodostictus) during various hikes in Joshua Tree National Park.
I didn’t even know there was such a thing as a Yellow-crownded Night Heron. I had only known of Black-crowned Night Herons, but when I saw this bird as I walked along the intracoastal in West Palm Beach, I knew it was something different. I…