I was not expecting to find lizards in Muir Woods, but indeed there were plenty of them to be found…

I was not expecting to find lizards in Muir Woods, but indeed there were plenty of them to be found…
A couple different species of Gallinules here. Both Common and Purple. The Common Gallinules seem to have only the red on their forehead crest and have a white strip on their sides, while the Purple Gallinules have the light blue on their foreheads and tend…
There’s just something about these couple fleeting shots I managed of this White-crowned Sparrow in the Red Cliffs National Conservation Area outside of St. George, UT…
Gopher Tortoises (Gopherus polyphemus) are native to Florida and other southeast states. I only found a few of them when I was wandering around, but I was always surprised at how quick they were at retreating into hiding once they spotted me.
From back in 2019 during my visit to Madagascar…
Spotted on the beaches near Trinidad, CA and again in Bothin Marsh Preserve in Mill Valley, CA here are a couple photos of the aptly named Long-billed Curlew.
A variety of reptiles and amphibians from various hikes around PA…
An unexpected feature of Bryce Canyon National Park when I visited was the boldness of the crows. I know crows are a somewhat common bird, so it would seem photographing them wouldn’t be a challenge, but my encounters with them tended to be with ones…
Ok – so sea otters groom their fur a lot… and with good reason. That fur is what keeps them warm in some pretty chilly water. But, if you watch them long enough and take enough photos at just the right times, it makes for…
Ok – let’s get something out of the way first here… Muir Woods is a smallish “national monument” (I’m still not sure what differentiates a national park versus a national monument versus a national reserve versus any of the other designations I’ve run into) just…
I’ve shared some elk photos from Rocky Mountain National Park… this herd of elk near Redwoods National Park (not technically inside the park boundary, but close enough) was pretty large, but the bull elk didn’t have the same impressive antlers, but still beautiful animals. Oh…
Taken during a short stop-over in Monterey, CA… this Black Oystercatcher certainly looked like it had plenty of choices and didn’t have to do much “catching”…