Category: General Wildlife

Right after photographing the moose mother and calf I posted a few weeks ago, I turned and saw this little chipmunk not far away. Since I already had the telephoto lens out and ready to go I figured I’d try to get some photos. As…

During my time in Florida, I would often see Snowy Egrets (Egretta thula), but it was usually as they would fly away. They seemed a thousand times more skittish than any other birds I was seeing in Florida, which was unfortunate because they really are…

During our rain delay of our desert hike in Rattlesnake Canyon, Rich and I popped over to Grand Mesa for about a day and a half. During that time, we went out for a couple hikes, and I had asked a Forest Ranger if there…

I made two visits to Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (RMANWR from now on), both when I was picking Rich up from the airport and again after dropping him off because it is basically right next to the airport. The refuge basically consists of…

I converted a couple shots of the river otter I saw at Riverbend Park into black & white… the results are almost perfect in my opinion.

These Brown Basilisk (Basiliscus vittatus) lizards were fairly common in Florida but they were pretty skittish and hard to get decent photos of them. They also have a funny way of running as they will stand up on their hind legs and run on two…

During a hike outside of Montrose, Colorado, I stumbled upon several bleached skeletons scattered in the same area. I am not even sure what kind of animals these skeletons are from, but from the looks of it, they’d been there a while. Since I wasn’t…

This is an adult Florida Gallinule or Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) with its chick… they’re a fairly common water bird in the wetlands near West Palm Beach and I would see them quite often, but for a little while I was able to see them…

During a visit to the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge (which is not far from the Denver airport), I was driving along the refuge’s main wildlife drive road and happened to spot a coyote out in the field… I quickly stopped the car and…

On a hike outside of Nederland, Colorado, I was on the lookout for elk or moose… the trail was going downhill and then turning to the left and back uphill with an area further down the hill that was somewhat open and looked like good…

These Curly-tailed Lizards were fairly prolific in the area I was staying in West Palm Beach / Riviera Beach in Florida. Unfortunately, they were almost always too quick to get decent photos of until I came across this one at Okeeheelee Park and it seemed…

On the suggestion from my friend Dawn (who was super helpful with suggestions during my time in Colorado), Rich and I backpacked into Rattlesnake Canyon for one night. Actually, I guess I should back up the story a little bit right there… We originally were…