Category: Astrophotography

And some “behind the scenes” shots from some of the camp sites where I captured some of the scenes from yesterday’s timelapse video… As Rich and I were hiking to the arches in Rattlesnake Canyon, we were keeping an eye out for potential campsites for…

Another stop on my drive from Florida to Colorado was Milford State Park in Kansas. This was supposed to be the fourth night of camping, all of which I had hoped would afford me the opportunity to do some timelapse photography. Unfortunately, rain and just…

An earlier stop on my drive to Colorado was a night in the Okeefenokee Swamp in Steven C. Foster State Park in southern Georgia. It is listed as a great place to view the stars because of its remoteness and lack of light pollution –…

Some of the items from the post title are easier to spot than others depending on the photo (and they’re not all in every photo), but see if you can locate them. Note: Click on the photo to open it in the lightbox for a…

Finally complete. I feel it isn’t the best I can do, so I’ll have to collect more sets and try again in the future. I hope you enjoy. Warning: the audio might be set a little loud…

Sorry for not posting more recently, I’ve been trying to get the photos of the Milky Way processed in a way I am satisfied with, and I’ve been really struggling with that, so I’ve been spending time working on photos with little in the way…

I’ll hopefully be putting together a couple timelapse videos, but for now, here’s a single frame of the Milky Way with a couple meteors…