Category: Architecture

Though not as flashy as Mesa Verde, the Canyon of the Ancients National Monument is nearby and another place I visited during my stay in Mancos, Colorado. The cliff dwellings here are much smaller but you’re able to approach much more closely (some of them…

Ok – not technically on the Argentine Pass or Peak, but on the way out we passed a sign we hadn’t seen on the way in labeled “Pennsylvania Mine” and also could see a massive structure that was falling apart on the other side of…

During my drive from Florida to Colorado, I passed through St. Louis and figured I might as well stop at the Gateway Arch. Thankfully it wasn’t crowded and I took a handful of photos, though oddly enough the one I like best was a quick…

A few shots from my visit to Paris…

Ok – so I actually have three videos for you… I couldn’t decide on what music to use, so I simply used three different songs (I at least managed to narrow it down that far). Two of the videos have one extra “scene” to accommodate…

I think M.C. Escher might be proud of this one… I’ll just let you try to figure out which way is up…

A beautiful seven story pagoda in Taroko National Park… I also liked the Pudu Bridge that is the only access over to where the temple and pagodo are.

The Eternal Spring Shrine (or Changchun Shrine) looks beautiful from a distance, and I would have liked to visit it closer, but unfortunately the trail was closed. But it definitely gives some scale to the size of the gorge…

During my recent visit to Taiwan, I was lucky enough to be there for Chinese New Year, and since I was stay with a native Taiwanese, I got to go to some cooler, off-the-beaten-past locations than I might have otherwise found. I didn’t take the…

This particular whale is an art installation in Utrecht in the Netherlands with the obvious intent to remind folks about plastic in our oceans, but today I’m headed off to Timor Leste to hopefully see real whales (and hopefully dive with them and get some…

So in case you were wondering what it looks like where I’ve been staying for the past couple months… In a few days, I’ll be leaving Jiwa Damai and moved onto Timor Leste. I’m not sure how much internet access I will have there, but…

Oddly enough, one of the incredibly few photos I took in London, and the only one I plan on sharing, and probably only significant to Pink Floyd fans, and the landmark is covered in construction… Kind of sums up my time in London… I was…