Green-backed Trogon Pair

Samara spotted this pair of Green-backed Trogons or sometimes also called Amazonian White-tailed Trogons (Trogon viridis) on the property at our first Airbnb. We watched them for a bit and noticed that they appeared to be building a nest (I looked it up and they seem to build their nest in termite nests or rotten hollows in trees, so this seems to be what they were doing). Not wanting to disturb them too much, we left them and then I visited them myself the next day for a little bit to collect a few more photos and some video. One time I looked them up on the Merlin app, it correctly identified them and said they would be rare to see there, and then later when I tried again it wouldn’t identify them at all and kept trying to tell me they were a different species – so this definitely seemed to be a very lucky encounter indeed! Enjoy the photos and the video. If you listen closely you can hear the pair calling to each other – watch the birds while they sit on the branch and you can see their throats moving when they are calling to identify their calls with all the other bird calls going on (you might need to turn up the volume a little).

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One thought on “Green-backed Trogon Pair

  1. Samara

    October 6, 2024 at 3:40pm

    The natives also call it Surucuá. I wonder if they use the same nest again or if they look for a new place each breeding season.

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