This first shrimp is called a Candy-stripe Shrimp and was the whole goal of a rather current-sensitive dive at Skyline – a popular dive site that I did not manage to visit last time I was here. I’m not a huge fan of current dives, but this one was planned well for us by our dive buddy Erik (who is also the brains behind which is a site to assist in dive planning). The dive itself was a bit overwhelming with trying to pay attention to the current, keep track of buddies, and watching my air consumption… so this is the only decent shot I came back with, but it is better than nothing…

These next ones might be Northern Shrimp or maybe Franciscan Shrimp or maybe one of each or maybe even none of them – I’m not entirely sure… As the ID book I’m using says… “Above all else, confusion reigns…” as it goes into the difficulties of properly identifying critters…

This next one is a super tiny Opossum Shrimp that was also pointed out to me by Erik. I honestly couldn’t even tell what it was in the water, so I took a couple shots and it wasn’t until I looked at the photos on the computer that I could see its legs…

And finally this last one I am fairly confident is a Threespine Shrimp – they’re somewhat common but still a cool looking shrimp…

January 3, 2023 at 1:32pmThose are pretty amazing and vibrant. Glad you made it there this round!
My only question is, where’s the coconut shrimp?
January 3, 2023 at 1:33pmIn the freezer…