While I was in Colorado and Utah, I was often on the lookout for tarantulas because I think it would be cool to find one and get some photos. While I never found any tarantulas, while I was doing a short hike up to Twin Buttes outside of Durango, CO, this rather large wolf spider literally ran into my boot with enough force that I felt it bounce off. It then stuck around and let me get a number of photos, including some nice threat display postures…
Large Wolf Spider

November 10, 2022 at 10:56pmThat is gorgeous. What’s the scale? I mean, is that 1″ across, or 4″ across?
You’ve made me start to pay attention to the various spiders I have on the back porch. And gently push them away, and let them know that, no, they cannot build a web that will not let me out of my house, but other than that I’m cool wherever they want to hang out. I’ve never been arachnophobic, but I’m now starting to lean in the Charlotte’s Web direction and actively searching them out. Kinda cool.