While We Wait...
ktuli — Mon, 04/12/2010 - 20:47
I have some new photos uploading as I type this. I am so excited about these that I just couldn't bring myself to look through my other older photos to find something else to talk about here.
Today, Anya told me I should go outside and take some photographs of the flowers that are starting to bloom. After a few shots, I decided to move on to the daffodils. I thought I would try for a different angle with a top-down shot.
As I stood over the first daffodil, I focused the lens and was surprised to find a crab spider! Before today, I didn't know that crab spiders were native to this area. I'd often seen photos of them, and always thought they were very cool spiders.
While Anya made me a wonderful dinner of balsamic vinaigrette glazed chicken, I setup the camera and tried to correct a number of the mistakes that I mentioned in yesterday's post. I setup the tripod and used a timer delay (I have yet to purchase a remote trigger for my Canon 7D.
After a while, the sunlight was fading, the breeze picked up and kept moving the flower, and dinner was ready. So I cut the flower and took both it and the spider inside. I then spent the better portion of the evening photographing this tiny little spider. Eventually, I had to put the spider back outside, but I'm extremely happy with the photos I managed to get.
I should be able to share some of them tomorrow. I, for one, can't wait!
- Bill
Sounds like an awesome evening. You should have had more spiders at the store, just so i could look at them :P
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