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Spooky Fly
ktuli — Mon, 09/12/2011 - 19:26
Another thing I spotted when we were out on our little hike at Round Hill Park (see yesterday's post) was this fly.
I have no idea on the species, but if the government is going to make spy bugs or if an alien race of space bugs invades, this is what I would expect them to look like....
Technical Data: Canon EOS 7D, Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM, 1/200 sec at f/16. Canon Speedlight 580EX II flash in auto mode and wireless control. Image Stabilization on. ISO 100. RAW processing in Adobe Camera Raw. Round Hill Park, Elizabeth, PA.
I only got off one shot of this guy as it struck this pose, but those huge red eyes just screamed out to me and I got in as close as I could and fired off a single shot before it flew away and I couldn't find it again.
... probably to report back to the mothership.
- Bill